Welcome to Chamba Xtra App

Here you will find various gig job offers that no one else has in the US market; We invite you to know the virtues of Chamba Xtra App. Welcome to Chamba Xtra App


Looking for a job in a

Digital World?

Search and find work in the most modern global tool to access using the internet, where a functional application will allow you to obtain different job proposals.

Follow the instructions

Sign up today! Now you have a few simple steps to be part of Chamba Xtra App and you will be one of our users.

Support emerging brands

Our Hispanic brands continue to grow by more than two trillion dollars in the US market, thus outperforming many economies.

Improve your standard of living

Chamba Xtra App offers you various jobs of your choice, in the place and in the time you have. Register now!

Collaborate with product verification

It carries out activities that contribute to the health of consumers.

"The Latin community in the United States are not only a growing portion of the total population: they also represent the fastest growing sector of the workforce."

– BBC.com

Working in multiple trades, Latinos pride themselves on their strong work ethic and always consider the support they receive from their family, in which they reciprocate through the respect they have for their community.

Juan López – Amistad Associates

Chamba Xtra

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Data Driven Merchandisers


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+1 (678) 978-3895
Georgia, EEUU